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Artykuły w czasopismach naukowych (Articles in scientific journals)

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    Testing the predictive power of realistic shell model calculations via lifetime measurement of the 11/2+ state in 131Sb
    (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2023) Bottoni, S; Gamba, E. R.; De Gregorio, G.; Gargano, A.; Leoni, S.; Fornal, B.; Brancadori, N.; Ciconali, G.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N.; Iskra, Ł. W.; Colombi, G.; Kim, Y. H.; Köster, U.; Michelagnoli, C.; Dunkel, F.; Esmaylzadeh, A.; Gerhard, L.; Jolie, J.; Knafla, L.; Ley, M.; Régis, J.-M.; Schomaker, K.; Sferrazza, M.
    The lifetime of the 11/2+ 1 state in the 131Sb nucleus was measured at the LOHENGRIN spectrometer of the Institut Laue-Langevin via neutron-induced fission of 235U using γ -ray fast-timing techniques. The obtained value of T1/2 = 3 (2) ps, at the edge of the sensitivity of the experimental method, is the first result for the 11/2+1 state half-life in neutron-rich Sb isotopes. The corresponding quadrupole reduced transition probability to the ground state is B(E2) = 1.4+1.5−0.6W.u., indicating a noncollective nature of this state. Realistic shell-model calculations performed in a large valence space reproduce well the experimental value and point to a dominant 2+(130Sn) ⊗ πg7/2 configuration for the 11/2+1 state, as expected in a weak-coupling scenario. At the same time, the sum of the quadrupole strength of the multiplet states is predicted to exceed the one of the 130Sn core as a consequence of the equal contribution of the proton and the proton-neutron quadrupole matrix elements, pointing to possible development of collectivity already in the close neighborhood of 132Sn.
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    Study of radioluminescence in LiMgPO4 doped with Tb, B and Tm
    (Radiation Measurements, 2020) Sas-Bieniarz, Anna; Marczewska, Barbara; Bilski, Paweł; Gieszczyk, Wojciech; Klosowski, Mariusz
    Lithium magnesium phosphate (LiMgPO4, called LMP) crystals doped with different concentration of Tb, B and Tm were tested in regard to their radioluminescence emitted during irradiation. LMP crystals were grown with a micro-pulling down method as rods at IFJ PAN. The samples in the form of the thin slices were very sensitive to the ionizing radiation. Differently doped LMP samples were tested in a fiber optic measurement system (called PORTOS) which was constructed and adopted to the specific spectral properties of LMP. The LMP detector placed at the end of 15 m fiber connected to the PORTOS device was tested with gamma rays emitted from Co-60 Theratron 780E as well as with a Cs-137 source in a Laboratory for Calibration of Radiation Protection In- struments at IFJ PAN. RL signal was roughly proportional to the dose rates in the wide range of the dose rates. The highest RL signal was recorded for LMP crystals doped with 0.8 mol% of Tb as well as doped with 0.8 mol% Tm. The radioluminescence signal was discussed in regard to the thermoluminescence (TL) glow curves and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay curves for 14 differently doped LMP crystals.
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    OSL and RL of LiMgPO4 crystals doped with rare earth elements
    (Radiation Measurements, 2019) Marczewska, Barbara; Sas-Bieniarz, Anna; Bilski, Paweł; Gieszczyk, Wojciech; Kłosowski, Mariusz; Sądel, Marcin
    LiMgPO4 (LMP) doped with a combination of Tb, B, Eu, Er, Gd or Tm activators in form of the crystals grown by micro-pulling down process (MPD) was examined as optically stimulated luminescence detectors using continues wave and time-resolved modes (CW and TR-OSL) as well as radioluminescence (RL) under X-ray tube irradiation. The RL-OSL measurements were performed using a HELIOS-3 OSL reader with a 460 nm diode light stimulation and 240–400 nm emission wavelength range for signal recording and compared with CW-OSL measured by Risoe reader. In TR-OSL mode the most sensitive samples were the crystals doped with Tb, B and doped with Tb, B, Er, in CW-mode the highest signal was recorded for crystal doped with Tb, B, Gd. The linear dose response was observed in the range from 0.5 to 10 Gy. RL signals measured for the dose rates of 62 mGy/min of X-rays was very high for all investigated crystals, especially for the crystal doped with Tm and Tb, B. The highest RL signal was observed for the crystal doped with 1.2mol% of Tm.
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    Popular Medicines as Radiation Sensors
    (IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021) Mrozik, Anna; Bilski, Paweł
    During an uncontrolled release of radiation, it is highly unlikely that members of the public will be equipped with personal radiation dose monitors. In preparation for such a situation various personal objects are being investigated as emergency dosimeters. The already developed methods are not satisfactory, as they are time-consuming or require destruction of things valuable for victims. Here we show, that common pharmaceuticals, which frequently may be found e.g. in personal bags, are the perfect candidate as radiation sensors in emergencies. We investigated several over-the-counter medicines for occurrence of the optically stimulated luminescence phenomenon and found that all of them exhibit strong luminescence signal following exposure to ionizing radiation. Its intensity increases linearly with the absorbed dose. The highest sensitivity was shown by the popular painkillers based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. The intensity of their luminescence signal was found to enable measurement of doses well below 1 Gy, what is sufficient for application in emergency dosimetry. Pharmaceuticals are also free of all disadvantages of other emergency dosimeters: their composition is standardized, sampling is immediate, the unit value is usually negligible. We expect our results to be a starting point for broader investigations of various medicines, which should provide a perfect tool for emergency dosimetry.
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    Defects studies of nickel aluminum bronze subjected to cavitation
    (APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2021-01-23) Siemek, K.; Eseev, M.K.; Horodek, P.; Kobets, A.G.; Kuziv, I.V.
    A defects evolution below the surface in nickel aluminum bronze CuAl9Ni4Fe4 subjected to cavitation under mild conditions with times up to 8h was studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy, mass loss measurements, and scanning electron and atomic force microscopies. The obtained results indicate two different stages of cavitation erosion. At the beginning of cavitation up to 6h in incubation period a removing of residual roughness and surface oxides was noted. Then, in the maximal erosion rate region, big vacancy clusters were recognized and its concentration drastically increase around 100 times in comparison with incubation period.
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    Influence of therapeutic proton beam on glioblastoma multiforme proliferation index – A preliminary study
    (Acta Physica Polonica A, 2019) Bogdali-Suślik, Anna M.; Rawojć, K.; Miszczyk, Justyna; Panek, Agnieszka; Woźniak, Monika; Szewczyk, Katarzyna; Książek, Teofila; Bik-Multanowski, Mirosław; Swakoń, Jan; Komenda, Wiktor; Mojżeszek, Natalia; Kajdrowicz, Tomasz; Kopeć, Renata; Olko, Paweł
    The goal of the presented study was to compare the proliferation of different U118 MG and U251 MG glioblastoma cell lines irradiated with proton beam or X-rays in dose range 0.5-10.0 Gy. Cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay was carried out to study changes in proliferation presented as nuclear division index (NDI). Preliminary results suggest that protons and X-rays influence GBM (glioblastoma multiforme) cellular proliferation differently. Therapeutically, a decrease in NDI values with the increase in both types of radiation dose was found only for U251 MG cell line, thus can be classified as more radiosensitive than U118 MG cell line. Also for U251 MG GBM cell line, a therapeutic proton beam was more effective in inhibition of proliferation than X-rays. Genetic differences between GBM are supposed to be involved in the increased radiosensitivity, which is planned to be studied further by genes expression analysis.
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    Water equivalence of various 3D printed materials for proton therapy - Monte Carlo simulation, treatment planning modelling and validation by measurements
    (Acta Physica Polonica B, 2019) Wochnik, Agnieszka; Swakoń, Jan; Olko, Paweł
    In this article, Water Equivalent Ratio (WER) of three selected materials: Polylactic Acid (PLA), Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene (ABS) and Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG) - commonly used in additive manufacturing technology - was measured on 60 MeV proton beam and compared with values predicted by Treatment Planning System (TPS) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. The agreement within 1-3% and 1-6% was found between results obtained from the measurement with comparison to the MC simulation and TPS, respectively. It was concluded that 3D printable materials can be safely used in proton therapy.
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    Theoretical description of alkali metal closo-boranes – towards the crystal structure of MgB12H12
    (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018-10-02) Maniadaki, Aristea E.; Łodziana, Zbigniew
    Solid state closo-borane salts of alkali metals have very high ionic conductivity. This makes them interesting for practical applications as solid state electrolytes, and has triggered extensive research efforts. Improvement and understanding of their properties require accurate theoretical description of their static and dynamical properties. In this work, we report accuracy assessment of density functional theory in the description of solids with B12H122− anions. We show that these aromatic anions interact via weak dispersive forces. For that reason, non-local exchange–correlation functionals give better description of structural properties and phonons in Li2B12H12 and Na2B12H12. Numerically efficient semi-local methods provide satisfactory results when applied in structure volumes obtained in a non-local method. An extensive structural search for stable crystalline phases of MgB12H12 predicts a new denser lattice with C2/c symmetry that is stabilized by van der Waals interactions. These structures might be discovered as anhydrous MgB12H12 in high pressure experiments, avoiding the amorphous state at ambient pressures.
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    Electrospun iron- and copper oxide fibres for virus retention applications
    (Textile Research Journal, 2019) Schabikowski, Mateusz; Cichoń, Alicja; Németh, Zoltán; Kubiak, Władysław; Kata, Dariusz; Graule, Thomas
    This work describes the fabrication of ceramic fibers by electrospinning based on iron(III) oxide or copper(II) oxide. The fibers were produced from organic salt/polymer precursors and transformed into pure ceramic materials by firing. The fibers were designed to remove negatively charged viruses from drinking water. The obtained ceramic fibers were characterized by diameters of 0.23 ± 0.10 pm and 0.17 ± 0.06pm for iron- and copper-based fibers, respectively. The performance of 0.100g of fibers in the removal of MS2 bacteriophages in batch adsorption experiments reached log reduction values of 1.70 and 0.44 after 5 min and 10 min of contact time for iron(111) oxide and copper(11) oxide fibers, respectively.
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    Higgs physics at the CLIC electron–positron linear collider
    (The European Physical Journal C, 2017) Daniluk, Witold; Krupa, Beata; Kucharczyk, Marcin; Lesiak, Tadeusz; Moszczyński, Arkadiusz; Pawlik, Bogdan; Sopicki, Paweł; Wojtoń, Tomasz; Zawiejski, Leszek
    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is an option for a future e+e− collider operating at centre-of-mass energies up to 3 TeV, providing sensitivity to a wide range of new physics phenomena and precision physics measurements at the energy frontier. This paper is the first comprehensive presentation of the Higgs physics reach of CLIC operating at three energy stages: √s = 350 GeV, 1.4 and 3 TeV. The initial stage of operation allows the study of Higgs boson production in Higgsstrahlung (e+e− → ZH) and WW-fusion (e+e− → Hνe ¯νe), resulting in precise measurements of the production cross sections, the Higgs total decay width ΓH, and model-independent determinations of the Higgs couplings. Operation at √s > 1 TeV provides high-statistics samples of Higgs bosons produced through WW-fusion, enabling tight constraints on the Higgs boson couplings. Studies of the rarer processes e+e− → t¯tH and e+e− → HHνe ¯νe allow measurements of the top Yukawa coupling and the Higgs boson self-coupling. This paper presents detailed studies of the precision achievable with Higgs measurements at CLIC and describes the interpretation of these measurements in a global fit.