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    Proceedings of the IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Alumni Conference 2023
    (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2023) Derendarz, Dominik; Staszewski, Rafał; Trzebiński, Maciej
    IFJ PAN PPSS Alumni Conference is organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN). It is addressed to: participants of previous editions of Particle Physics Summer Student Programme, attendees of current PPSS edition and students interested in cooperation with IFJ PAN. Second IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Alumni Conference was held on 14-15 July 2023, with topic focused on, but not restricted to, high energy physics.
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    Using X-ray measurements to assess uncertainties in plasma temperature and impurity profiles in tokamaks
    (49th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics, 2023-07) Jardin, Axel; Krzysztof, Król; Mazon, Didier; Bielecki, Jakub; Dworak, Dominik; Guibert, Denis; Peysson, Yves; Scholz, Marek; Walkowiak, Jędrzej
    In tokamaks, the local X-ray plasma emissivity is a complex quantity resulting from the contribution of several plasma parameters, i.e. electron temperature, density and concentration of impurities in multiple ionization states. In particular, the impurity core concentration can be estimated from the emissivity in the soft X-ray (SXR) range 0.1 – 20 keV, while information about the superthermal electron population can be obtained in the hard X-ray (HXR) range 20 keV – 200 keV. The estimation of the tungsten concentration profile is subject to many uncertainties, in particular it requires accurate knowledge of plasma temperature, magnetic equilibrium, atomic processes leading to its cooling factor and the spectral response of the diagnostic. A global W concentration can, for example, be inferred with integrated simulation codes in order to match the total radiated power. When all other plasma parameters are well-known, the impurity density profile can be reconstructed in the core with the help of SXR tomographic tools. Nevertheless, in the case of a significant fraction of superthermal electrons e.g. due to RF heating, accurate estimation of electron temperature from ECE measurements can become a challenging task. Therefore, the goal of this contribution is to establish a methodology to assess the uncertainty in the core electron temperature and impurity concentration profiles based on X-ray measurements. The proposed strategy is to define a grid of candidates (Te, cW) scenarios and identify the ones having the highest consistency with respect to multiple line-integrated measurements. In order to determine the capabilities and limitations of such an approach, the method is first tested on well-known synthetic profiles in an arbitrary tokamak geometry. In a second step, first experimental tests are presented for some selected WEST discharges.
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    Proceedings of the IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Alumni Conference 2022
    (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2022) Derendarz, Dominik; Staszewski, Rafał; Trzebiński, Maciej
    IFJ PAN PPSS Alumni Conference is organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN). It is addressed to: participants of previous editions of Particle Physics Summer Student Programme, attendees of current PPSS edition and students interested in cooperation with IFJ PAN. First IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Alumni Conference was held on 9-10 July 2022, with topic focused on, but not restricted to, high energy physics.
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    Book of Abstracts, Focused Charged Particle Beam Week
    (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2022) Wolny-Marszałek, Marta
    A Focused Ion Beam (FIB) provides the unique possibilities to create new functionality in materials on the nanometer scale as well as to characterize such materials on the relevant length scale of a few nanometers. This can be applied to a wide number of materials covering many research fields such as the semiconductor industry, health, raw materials, quantum materials, 2D materials and optically active materials and devices, etc.
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    Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics Book of Abstracts
    (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2022) Bednarczyk, Piotr; Kmiecik, Maria; Matejska-Minda, Magdalena
    The Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics, for historical reasons called School, has been organized since 1963 by the Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) and the Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University. Over the years the School became a famous worldwide conference. Nowadays, the Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics has a character of a biennial international congress and is one of the major events in Poland, related to low-energy nuclear physics. During the construction of the scientific program special attention has always been paid to offering enthusiastic and pedagogical overviews of the most recent research subjects in nuclear physics from both theoretical and experimental points of view. Young participants have also the opportunity to present the results of their research in short talks or on posters. Currently, the conference theme is “Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape” and it is a forum for reviewing progress in theory and experiment at the forefront of nuclear research. This time special attention will be given to the structure of exotic, unstable nuclei. We will also focus on collective excitations of nuclear matter. Furthermore, the nuclear physics context of astrophysical processes will be widely discussed. An important part of the Conference will be devoted to presentations on the newest achievements in the nuclear structure and reactions investigations and their influence on other disciplines. Noticeable discoveries in these areas are closely linked to the ongoing development of experimental facilities and detectors, which is among the conference topics. The aim of the Conference is also to increase the mutual communication of physicists representing various areas of nuclear physics and to create opportunities for intense interaction between graduate students, young researchers, and senior scientists. The current 55th edition of the Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics is organized by IFJ PAN in cooperation with Coti Conference Time and is supported by NuPECC, CAEN, NAWA (The Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange).
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    Studies of hyperon production in HADES - cascade production
    (Chapter in: Recent Progress in Few-Body Physics: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, ed. N.A. Orr, M. Płoszajczak, F.M. Marqués, J. Carbonell, Springer, Switzerland, 2020, 2020) Kuboś, Joanna
    Production of the doubly strange Ξ− hyperon, known as a cascade particle, has been investigated in nuclear reactions in a wide energy range. However, only the results for the energies above the threshold for cascade production in elementary collisions were known for a long time. The first measurement of the subthreshold Ξ− production was performed in heavy ion and nucleon-nucleus collisions by the HADES Collaboration. Because of the discrepancy between data and various model predictions deeper studies of the strangeness production, especially in elementary collisions near the threshold, are needed. In this paper simulations of the cascade production in proton-proton reaction at the beam kinetic energy of 4.5 GeV are presented. The results are relevant for the experiment planned by HADES with the upgraded setup during the FAIR-Phase 0 project.
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    Positron annihilation spectroscopy on a beam of positrons the LEPTA facility
    (EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017) Siemek, Krzysztof; Horodek, Paweł
    The results and possibilities of the samples surfaces research by the Doppler method of positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) for a monochromatic beam of positrons at the LEPTA facility are presented in this paper. Method with high-resolution sensitivity to defects like vacancies and dislocations allows scanning of the surface and near-surface sample layers to a depth of several micrometers by the method of Doppler broadening of annihilation lines. The opportunities for the development of a PAS method based on the measurement of the positron lifetime in the sample irradiated by ordered flow of positrons from the injector of accelerator complex LEPTA at JINR are discussed.