Dane uzyskane w wyniku realizacji projektu "Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium — EUROfusion" w Instytucie Fizyki Jądrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IFJ PAN) w 2022 roku

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Institute of Niclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
1. Zestaw danych TLD_MCP_Neutron_DD_DT_TH_Low_Doses_Calibration zawiera zintegrowane dane z krzywych termoluminecencyjnych detektorów MCP-7 i MCP-N kalibrowanych w polu neutronów z reakcji deuter-deuter i deuter-tryt w polu promieniowania tokamaka JET oraz w polu neutronów termicznych. 2. Zestaw danych JET_D-D_C38 zawiera widma promieniowania gamma folii dozymetrycznych napromieniowanych w czasie kampanii C38 w tokamaku JET. 3. Zestaw danych do raportu EFDA_D_2Q7VLF zawiera dane liczbowe na podstawie których zostały wykonane wykresy funkcji w raporcie "Final Report on Deliverable Update of the mechanical analysis of the TF WP#4" numer EFDA_D_2Q7VLF dla projektu Eurofusion WPMAG. 4. Zestaw danych Results_of_simulations zawiera dane, na podstawie których sporządzono wykresy w raporcie MAG-T.01.04-T007-D005 "EU-CN: IPPLM Analysis of experimental results of quench test" (EFDA_D_2PG8C7). 5. Zestaw danych obliczeniowych wykonanych w ramach projektu Enabling Research ENR-TEC.01.IPPLM. Pliki zawierają dane dotyczące produkcji protonów w wyniku naświetlania neutronami w konwerterze (PE lub PLX) oraz propagacji protonów w wybranych mieszankach gazowych. Dane uzyskane przy pomocy programu SRIM oraz kodu MCNP6. 6. Zestaw danych obliczeniowych wykonanych w ramach projektu WPENS Early Neutron Source dla modułu STUMM. Pliki zawierają dane grzania jądrowego w obszarze containera modułu testowego STUMM w czasie pracy źródła IFMIF-DONES dla róznych wielkości siatek mesh. Dane posłużyły do optymalizacji analiz cieplno-przepływowych dla modułu STUMM. Dane uzyskane za pomocą kodu MCNP6.
1. Data set TLD_MCP_Neutron_DD_DT_TH_Low_Doses_Calibration contains integrated data from thermoluminescence curves of MCP-7 and MCP-N detectors calibrated in the neutron field from the deuterium-deuterium and deuterium-tritium reaction at the JET tokamak and at the thermal neutron field. 2. Data set JET_D-D_C38 dataset contains gamma spectra (N(E)) of dosimetric foils irradiated during the C38 campaign in the JET tokamak. 3. Data set for report EFDA_D_2Q7VLF contains numeric data which were used for generating the function plots for the deliverable "Final Report on Deliverable Update of the mechanical analysis of the TF WP#4" EFDA_D_2Q7VLF in the scope of the Eurofusion WPMAG work package. 4. Data set Results_of_simulations contains the data from which the graphs in report MAG-T.01.04-T007-D005 "EU-CN: IPPLM Analysis of experimental results of quench test" (EFDA_D_2PG8C7) were created. 5. A set of calculation data obtained in the framework of the Enabling Research ENR-TEC.01.IPPLM project. The files contain data on proton production by neutron irradiation of the converter (PE or PLX) and proton propagation in selected gas mixtures. Data obtained using the SRIM program and the MCNP6 code. 6. A set of computational data obtained in the framework of the WPENS Early Neutron Source work package for the STUMM module design. The files contain data on nuclear heating in the container area of the STUMM test module during the operation of the IFMIF-DONES source for various mesh sizes. The data were used to optimize the heat-flow analyzes for STUMM. Data obtained using the MCNP6 code.
1. Data set TLD_MCP_Neutron_DD_DT_TH_Low_Doses_Calibration contains integrated data from thermoluminescence curves of MCP-7 and MCP-N detectors calibrated in the neutron field from the deuterium-deuterium and deuterium-tritium reaction at the JET tokamak and at the thermal neutron field. 2. Data set JET_D-D_C38 dataset contains gamma spectra (N(E)) of dosimetric foils irradiated during the C38 campaign in the JET tokamak. 3. Data set for report EFDA_D_2Q7VLF contains numeric data which were used for generating the function plots for the deliverable "Final Report on Deliverable Update of the mechanical analysis of the TF WP#4" EFDA_D_2Q7VLF in the scope of the Eurofusion WPMAG work package. 4. Data set Results_of_simulations contains the data from which the graphs in report MAG-T.01.04-T007-D005 "EU-CN: IPPLM Analysis of experimental results of quench test" (EFDA_D_2PG8C7) were created. 5. A set of calculation data obtained in the framework of the Enabling Research ENR-TEC.01.IPPLM project. The files contain data on proton production by neutron irradiation of the converter (PE or PLX) and proton propagation in selected gas mixtures. Data obtained using the SRIM program and the MCNP6 code. 6. A set of computational data obtained in the framework of the WPENS Early Neutron Source work package for the STUMM module design. The files contain data on nuclear heating in the container area of the STUMM test module during the operation of the IFMIF-DONES source for various mesh sizes. The data were used to optimize the heat-flow analyzes for STUMM. Data obtained using the MCNP6 code.
This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 633053.
synteza termojądrowa, energia, modelowanie, transport promieniowania, analizy inżynierskie
Komisja Europejska;
Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
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Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe