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Principles of a method to use CVD diamond detectors for spectrometric measurements of particles in mixed radiation field emitted by D-D and D-T fusion plasmas


Future thermonuclear reactors for needs of power plants will operate with the deuterium-tritium fuel. Neutron, alpha particle, and energy are created in the fusion reaction between these isotopes. Measurement of energy of the reaction products is important to control energetic balance in the thermonuclear plasma. Fast neutrons (14 MeV) should deliver energy outside the tokamak. Alpha particles are the ash of the reaction but they should also leave their energy (3.6 MeV) in the plasma to maintain the fusion reaction. Therefore, knowledge of the energy of alpha particles escaping from plasma (the lost alpha particles) is essential. Because of a short range of alpha particles the measurement has to be performed inside the tokamak, in harsh surrounding (high temperature and high particle fluxes). Diamond seems to be a proper material for use it as a semiconductor detector under those conditions. A diamond detector (synthetic high purity CVD monocrystal) was tested in aspect of its potential application for spectrometric diagnostic of the ions in tokamaks. The energy calibration of the diamond detectors of the different thickness was performed using isotopic sources: energies around 5 MeV from the 239Pu + 241Am + 244Cm source, and 6.8 and 8.7 MeV from the 212Bi + 212Po source. Additionally, monoenergetic ions beams (alpha particles and protons) were obtained from a van de Graaff accelerator in the 0.4 – 2 MeV energy range. A very good linearity of the amplitude signal vs. energy was obtained. At any working tokamak, a mixed radiation field is present consisting of various particles, like n, α, γ, p, d, t. Their contributions fluctuate depending on a regime of tokamak work and on plasma instabilities. Thus, the CVD diamond detector response in a mixed radiation field can be properly studied only in well-defined conditions of a laboratory experiment. Detection of ions and neutrons was performed at our 14 MeV neutron generator, IGN-14, where (i) the same nuclear reaction as in the D-T plasma occurs and (ii) also other types of radiation similar as at tokamaks are observed (owing to a number of different reactions on the generator target). A new measuring chamber at IGN-14 was designed and built to make possible observation of responses of detectors placed symmetrically or at different angles in respect to the primary ion beam. Two identical or different type detectors can be compared at the same time. A complex spectrograms were obtained and analysed to distinguish signals from various particles.





The work has been performed within the framework of the research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) No. NN 505 485840.


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