Repozytorium IFJ: Ostatnio dodane

  • Skowron, Monika; Grabowska-Polanowska, Beata; Faber, Jacek; Śliwka, Ireneusz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Zapach ludzkiego ciała jest najbardziej znanym i rozpoznawanym sygnałem świadczącym o ogólnym stanie higieny, jak również o prawidłowości procesów metabolicznych zachodzących w organizmie. Za charakterystyczny i specyficzny ...
  • Ochab, Ewa; Petelenz, Barbara; Szałkowski, Mirosław; Ruszel, Marek; Sroka, Artur; Bogdali, Paweł (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Two gallium isotopes, 66Ga (T1/2=9.4h, β+ 4.2MeV) and 67Ga (T1/2=78h, EC), can serve as good models in development of new 68Ga-labelled (T1/2=68m, β+ 1.9MeV) PET radiopharmaceuticals. In order to produce 66Ga and/or 67Ga ...
  • Drozdowicz, Krzysztof; Dankowski, Jan; Igielski, Andrzej; Jaskóła, Marcin; Korman, Andrzej; Kurowski, Arkadiusz; Marczewska, Barbara; Nowak, Tomasz; Wiącek, Urszula; Woźnicka, Urszula; Gabańska, Barbara (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Future thermonuclear reactors for needs of power plants will operate with the deuterium-tritium fuel. Neutron, alpha particle, and energy are created in the fusion reaction between these isotopes. Measurement of energy of ...
  • Bielewski, Jarosław (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Halogenated compounds (chlorofluorocarbons-CFCs), both natural and industrial, so-called freons, currently exist as trace gases in the entire human environment. The CFCs cause ozone depletion in the stratosphere. Moreover ...
  • Sroka, Artur; Rogóż-Duda, Agnieszka; Sumera, Maciej; Bogdali, Paweł; Cieślik, Robert; Grzybek, Ryszard; Lipka, Bogdan; Michałowski, Henryk; Molęda, Janusz; Norys, Tadeusz; Pyzioł, Wojciech; Ruszel, Marek; Sałach, Bogusław; Sulikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Krzysztof; Kochański, Wojciech; Wojas, Damian (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    Cyclotron AIC-144 forming part of the Cyclotron Center Bronowice was built as a universal device research and development, which enabled the acceleration of three types of particles: alpha, deuterons and protons with ...
  • Wiącek, Urszula (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    The new idea of the construction of the neutron spectrometric logging tool (type N2TE) is presented. The N2TE tool responses in the borehole conditions has been simulated using MCNP – the well-known Monte Carlo code. The ...
  • Dworak, Dominik (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    Responses of the spectrometric gamma-gamma density tool in borehole were numerically simulated by means of the MCNP code. The rock medium has been modelled as a few layers of some ceramic materials with well-known ...
  • Kwiatek, Wojciech M.; Adamczyk, Jolanta; Bobrowska, Justyna; Borkowska, Anna; Lekka, Małgorzata; Lekki, Janusz; Lipiec, Ewelina; Miszczyk, Justyna; Pabijan, Joanna; Paluszkiewicz, Czesława; Panek, Agnieszka; Piergies, Natalia; Pogoda, Katarzyna; Prauzner-Bechcicki, Szymon; Quaroni, Luca; Roman, Maciej; Wiecheć, Anna; Wiltowska-Zuber, Joanna (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    The new, leading edge laboratory has been established and put into routine operation. The laboratory is focused on multimodal studies of the cellular response to ionizing radiation and provides support and research facilities ...
  • Horwacik, Tomasz; Michalec, Barbara; Cygan-Bakoniak, Marzena; Cywicka-Jakiel, Teresa; Czaderna, Anna; Durlak, Edyta; Góra, Łukasz; Grzanka, Leszek; Kajdrowicz, Tomasz; Kędzierska, Dominika; Kos, Robret; Kozera, Anna; Krempa, Aleksander; Krempa, Artur; Lipeńska, Irena; Liszka, Małgorzata; Malinowski, Leszek; Mierzwińska, Gabriela; Nowak, Tomasz; Ogrodowicz, Ewa; Pędracka, Anna; Ptaszkiewicz, Marta; Rogóż-Duda, Agnieszka; Rydygier, Marzena; Sadowski, Bartłomiej; Skowrońska, Katarzyna; Stolarczyk, Liliana; Sowa, Urszula; Swakoń, Jan; Waligórski, Michael; Olko, Paweł (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    Proton radiotherapy is an effective treatment modality for ocular cancer patients with choroidal melanoma. In 2011 a proton radiotherapy facility at the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences was ...
  • Misiak, Ryszard; Bartyzel, Mirosław; Wąs, Bogdan; Mietelski, Jerzy Wojciech; Sulikowski, Jacek; Pyzioł, Wojciech (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    Generator izotopowy 230U/226Th jest nowym obiecującym systemem do zastosowania w celowanej wewnętrznej alfa terapii (TAT) nowotworów. 230U powstaje z rozpadu β-230Pa. 230Pa otrzymywano w cyklotronie AIC-144 poprzez ...
  • Najman, Joanna; Śliwka, Ireneusz; Bielewski, Jarosław; Różański, Kazimierz; Duliński, Marek; Bartyzel, Jakub; Kuc, Tadeusz; Gorczyca, Zbigniew; Kotowski, Tomasz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015)
    W pracy przedstawiono dwa zmodyfikowane chromatograficzne układy pomiarowe pozwalające na oznaczanie freonów F-11, F-12 i SF 6 oraz gazów szlachetnych Ne, Ar i He. Uzyskane po modyfikacji poziomy wykrywalności LOD ...
  • Guguła, Konrad; Daniel, Krzysztof; Duszyc, Michał; Janik, Grzegorz; Koczot, Andrzej; Michalec, Barbara; Pasiecznik, Tomasz; Raczyński, Łukasz; Suder, Krzysztof; Winiarz, Mateusz; Kopeć, Renata (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017)
    The purpose of the report is to introduce work necessary to determine impact of selected cyclotron Proteus C-230 parameters affecting workflow of Proteus 235 Proton Therapy System, which is located inside ...
  • Bogdali, Paweł; Sulikowski, Jacek; Sroka, Artur; Rogóż-Duda, Agnieszka; Cieślik, Robert; Daniel, Krzysztof; Grzybek, Ryszard; Janik, Grzegorz; Lipka, Bogdan; Molęda, Janusz; Nowak, Tomasz; Pyzioł, Wojciech; Ruszel, Marek; Sałach, Bogusław; Sumera, Maciej (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017)
    In 2016, eye therapy was transferred to the new Proteus-235 cyclotron. The work of Cyclotron AIC-144 has become research and development. Reducing the demand for a proton beam has contributed to significant ...
  • Parlińska-Wojtan, Magdalena (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011)
    The main goal of this habilitation thesis is to identify and classify the types of interfaces and their role in hardening mechanisms in differently structured transition metal nitride coatings, by direct transmission ...
  • Kamiński, Łukasz; Daniel, Krzysztof; Duszyc, Michał; Guguła, Konrad; Janik, Grzegorz; Koczot, Andrzej; Jabłońska, Magdalena; Pasiecznik, Tomasz; Raczyński, Łukasz; Suder, Krzysztof; Winiarz, Mateusz; Rogóż-Duda, Agnieszka; Kopeć, Renata (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016)
    The project involved creation of the control system for the beam production system in order to allow measurements of the proton energy using TOF method. Two conceptual solutions were considered. Triggering system based on ...
  • Nowak, Tomasz; Sulikowski, Jacek; Bogdali, Paweł; Cieślik, Robert; Grzybek, Ryszard; Lipka, Bogdan; Molęda, Janusz; Ruszel, Marek; Sałach, Bogusław; Sroka, Artur; Sumera, Maciej; Pyzioł, Wojciech; Zbroja, Katarzyna; Rogóż-Duda, Agnieszka; Mojżeszek, Natalia; Ogrodowicz, Ewa; Durlak, Edyta; Mierzwińska, Gabriela; Rydygier, Marzena (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016)
    W hali eksperymentalnej budynku cyklotronu AIC-144, na jednym z wyjść magnesu M2, ustawiono tymczasowe stanowisko do pomiarów parametrów wiązki protonowej. Kierunek prowadzenia wiązki ustawiono precyzyjnie wykorzystując ...
  • Osiecka, Natalia (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Properties of liquid crystalline phases of the selected Schiff bases, i.e., nBBAA and nCBAA homologous series and 5BABB, 6BABB, 5BACB and 6BACB compounds, built of two benzene rings connected by the azomethine group, and ...
  • Kulig, Andrzej (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    This doctoral dissertation includes the following main theses: - As samples of natural language, literary texts show several properties of complex systems: they have internal organization, including a hierarchical ...
  • Maj, Adam; Lewitowicz, Marek; Królas, Wojciech; Harakeh, Muhsin; Ibbara, Alvarado (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016)
    IFMIF-DONES - a powerful neutron irradiation facility for studies and qualification of materials is planned as part of the European roadmap to fusion-generated electricity. Its main goal will be to study ...
  • Cieplicka, Natalia (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    The atomic nucleus, being a dense system of protons and neutrons, can be considered as a 'laboratory' in which three fundamental interactions strong, electromagnetic and weak, can be studied. Although much experimental ...