Repozytorium IFJ: Recent submissions

  • Woźnicka, Urszula; Dworak, Dominik; Wiącek, Urszula; Zorski, Tomasz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011)
    Basic assumptions for calculation of well-logging profiles, expected from measurements of the neutron logging tools (type of NNTE) are presented. The report includes also results of the first tests and calculations. The ...
  • Zając, Wojciech (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011)
  • Cieślik, Robert; Daniel, Krzysztof; Grzybek, Ryszard; Guguła, Konrad; Janik, Grzegorz; Koczot, Andrzej; Lipka, Bogdan; Molęda, Janusz; Norys, Tadeusz; Pyzioł, Wojciech; Ruszel, Marek; Sałach, Bogusław; Sulikowski, Jacek; Sroka, Artur; Tarczoń, Ryszard; Amirkhanov, I.; Karamysheva, G.; Kiyan, I.; Morozov, N.; Samsonov, E. (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2012)
    The latest computational and experimental results concerning 60 MeV proton beam acceleration and extraction in AIC-144 cyclotron of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (Krakow, Poland) are being considered. Improvement of RF ...
  • Skowron, Monika; Grabowska-Polanowska, Beata; Faber, Jacek; Śliwka, Ireneusz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2012)
    Postęp techniczny, ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, stworzył możliwość rozwoju szybkich i precyzyjnych metod analitycznych. Pożądane są metody, które umożliwiają równoczesne oznaczenie dużej ilości związków należących do ...
  • Najman, Joanna; Mochalski, Paweł; Bielewski, Jarosław; Grabowska-Polanowska, Beata; Śliwka, Ireneusz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2012)
    W pracy przedstawiona jest metoda oceny odporności systemów hydrologicznych na wpływy zanieczyszczeń antropogenicznych przy użyciu znaczników środowiskowych. Odporność systemów wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia antropogeniczne ...
  • Sroka, Artur; Bogdali, Paweł; Cieślik, Robert; Grzybek, Ryszard; Lipka, Bogdan; Michałowski, Henryk; Molęda, Janusz; Norys, Tadeusz; Pyzioł, Wojciech; Rogóż, Agnieszka; Ruszel, Marek; Sałach, Bogusław; Sulikowski, Jacek; Sumera, Maciej (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
    Cyclotron AIC-144, currently used in proton radiotherapy of eye melanoma, is located in Cracow at the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. The presented report describes the current state of the Cyclotron ...
  • Bieńkowska, Barbara; Prokopowicz, Rafał; Scholz, Marek (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
    The fusion reaction occurring in DD plasma is followed by emission of 2.45 MeV neutrons, which carry out information about fusion reaction rate and plasma parameters and properties as well. Neutron activation of beryllium ...
  • Cortesi, Paolo (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
  • Ciemała, Michał (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
  • Tracz, Grzegorz; Bieńkowska, Barbara; Drozdowicz, Krzysztof (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
    Activation of fissionable elements by neutrons has been considered as a possible diagnostics of D-D and D-T fusion plasma. Fission caused by fusion neutrons leads up to emission of secondary neutrons: prompt and delayed. ...
  • Adamek, Jarosław; Błocki, Jacek; Kotuła, Jerzy; Rachwalik, Marek; Sienkiewicz, Michał; Stodulski, Marek; Strączek, Andrzej; Świerblewski, Jacek; Tałach, Wiesława (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
    The SMRD detectors (counters) of the T2K experiment are assembled into bigger units called modules. The final design of the modules was elaborated in the Division of Scientific Equipment and Infrastructure Construction ...
  • Dzieża, Barbara; Górnicki, Edward; Hajduk, Leszek; Kotuła, Jerzy; Stodulski, Marek; Sułek, Zenon (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)
    The Wendelstein 7-X stellarator is now being assembled at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physic (IPP), Greifswald, Germany (branch of MP IPP Garching). The Agreement on Cooperation between the MP IPP and the Henryk ...
  • Kopeć, Marek; Kąc, Małgorzata; Budziak, Andrzej; Paluszkiewicz, Czesława; Zarzycki, Arkadiusz; Kąc, Sławomir; Dutkiewicz, Erazm; Kwiatek, Wojciech M.; Cichoń, Tomasz; Bochnia, T. (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    In the frame of cooperation with the Municipal Water Supply and Sewage in Krakow the preliminary studies of sediments from water meters of Krakow water supply system were performed. Sediments deposited on the measuring ...
  • Rogóż-Duda, Agnieszka; Sumera, Maciej; Bogdali, Paweł; Cieślik, Robert; Grzybek, Ryszard; Koczot, Andrzej; Lipka, Bogdan; Michałowski, Henryk; Molęda, Janusz; Norys, Tadeusz; Pyzioł, Wojciech; Ruszel, Marek; Sałach, Bogusław; Sroka, Artur; Sulikowski, Jacek (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Cyclotron AIC-144 is located in Krakow at the Institute of Nuclear Physics. It is currently used in proton radiotherapy ocular melanoma. This report presents the current state of the cyclotron and presents the work that ...
  • Suder, Krzysztof; Daniel, Krzysztof; Guguła, Konrad; Janik, Grzegorz; Kamiński, Łukasz; Koczot, Andrzej; Jabłońska, Magdalena; Raczyński, Łukasz; Ruszel, Marek; Winiarz, Mateusz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    The goal of this report is to present to possibility of modernization of AIC-144 cyclotron's safety systems. The actual status is described and possible solution offered. The core of the new safety system is Siemens Simatic ...
  • Bieńkowska, Barbara; Prokopowicz, Rafał; Drozdowicz, Krzysztof; Woźnicka, Urszula (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    DET-12 is a device to measure delayed neutrons from fissions in fissionable material samples which were activated in the primary neutron flux from D-T or D-D reactions in hot plasma of big fusion devices (tokamaks, ...
  • Bieńkowska, Barbara; Drozdowicz, Krzysztof; Gabańska, Barbara; Igielski, Andrzej; Janik, Władysław; Kurowski, Arkadiusz; Tracz, Grzegorz; Wiącek, Urszula; Dankowski, Jan (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    A technical design of the device for detection of delayed neutrons emitted from neutron-activated fissionable material samples has been performed according to physical assumptions which were earlier elaborated. The DET-12 ...
  • Bieńkowska, Barbara; Drozdowicz, Krzysztof; Gabańska, Barbara; Igielski, Andrzej; Prokopowicz, Rafał; Wiącek, Urszula; Woźnicka, Urszula (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    Physical assumptions have been outlined to design a new device (DET-12) for measurements of delayed neutron emitted from samples of fissionable materials activated with neutrons at big fusion-plasma devices. The aim is to ...
  • Scholz, Marek; Bielecki, Jakub; Wójcik-Gargula, Anna; Wiącek, Urszula; Drozdowicz, Krzysztof; Igielski, Andrzej; Kulińska, Agnieszka; Tracz, Grzegorz; Woźnicka, Urszula (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    The report presents main assumptions on the design of the neutron pinhole camera dedicated to the PF-24 (Plasma Focus) device. The pinhole camera will be used for the investigation of the spatial and temporal distributions ...
  • Banaś, Elżbieta; Daniluk, Witold; Kielar, Eryk; Kotuła, Jerzy; Krupa, Beata; Moszczyński, Arkadiusz; Oliwa, Krzysztof; Pawlik, Bogdan; Wierba, Wojciech; Zawiejski, Leszek (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014)
    The possibility to use semi-transparent silicon detectors to measure the displacement detector luminosity LumiCal, planned for the future linear accelerator ILC / CLIC, was studied using an optical laser system based on ...