Wójcik-Gargula, AnnaTracz, GrzegorzScholz, MarekDrozdowicz, Krzysztof2017-09-262017-09-262017-01http://rifj.ifj.edu.pl/handle/item/9This report presents results of the calculations performed in order to predict the neutron - induced activity in air inside the second Cuboid in the ITER equatorial port cell #1 where the Time of Flight detectors of the High Resolution Neutron Spectrometer are planned to be installed. Based on the neutron spectra generated by 2.45 MeV and 14 MeV neutron sources, calculated with the MCNP code, it was possible to determine the activity of the dominant radionuclides using the FISPACT-II Transmutation - Activation Inventory Code and the EAF - 2010 nuclear data library. The results show that although long - lived isotopes such as e.g. H-3 or C-14 are produced following neutron irradiation, their activity will not be significant since they will not exceed the maximum permissible levels.engCalculations of the neutron-induced activity in air inside the Cuboid 2 of the High-Resolution Neutron Spectrometer for ITERReport