Sroka, ArturRogóż-Duda, AgnieszkaSumera, MaciejBogdali, PawełCieślik, RobertGrzybek, RyszardLipka, BogdanMichałowski, HenrykMolęda, JanuszNorys, TadeuszPyzioł, WojciechRuszel, MarekSałach, BogusławSulikowski, JacekDaniel, KrzysztofKochański, WojciechWojas, Damian2018-01-112018-01-112015 AIC-144 forming part of the Cyclotron Center Bronowice was built as a universal device research and development, which enabled the acceleration of three types of particles: alpha, deuterons and protons with energies from 15 to 60 MeV. From 2012 on cyclotron AIC-144 is carried out proton therapy of eye tumors cooperation with the Jagiellonian University Hospital. This report presents the current state of the cyclotron and presents the work that was done in 2015: rebuilt power components cyclotron, the ion source, the leak detection system cooling water and new control system cyclotron.polEksploatacja Cyklotronu AIC-144 przystosowanego do celów medycznych cz. 3Report