Drozdowicz, KrzysztofKrynicka, EwaDąbrowska, Joanna2018-01-122018-01-122003http://rifj.ifj.edu.pl/handle/item/221The dependence of the thermal neutron diffusion parameters on the water content w in quartz, SiO2, has been studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations of the pulsed neutron experiments for a number of series of samples. The density-removed diffusion cooling coefficient CM varies hyperbolically between 39 400 000 and 4940 cm4s–1(g/cm3)3 at the water content in the full range 0 ≤ w ≤.1. The obtained function CM(w) is compared with the analogous dependence for moisturized dolomite.engInfluence of the water content in rock on the thermal neutron diffusion and diffusion cooling coefficients (by Monte Carlo simulations). II: – QuartzReport