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Przeglądaj Artykuły w czasopismach naukowych (Articles in scientific journals) według tytułu

Przeglądaj Artykuły w czasopismach naukowych (Articles in scientific journals) według tytułu

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  • Marczewska, Barbara; Sas-Bieniarz, Anna; Bilski, Paweł; Gieszczyk, Wojciech; Kłosowski, Mariusz; Sądel, Marcin (Radiation Measurements, 2019)
    LiMgPO4 (LMP) doped with a combination of Tb, B, Eu, Er, Gd or Tm activators in form of the crystals grown by micro-pulling down process (MPD) was examined as optically stimulated luminescence detectors using continues ...
  • Mrozik, Anna; Bilski, Paweł (IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021)
    During an uncontrolled release of radiation, it is highly unlikely that members of the public will be equipped with personal radiation dose monitors. In preparation for such a situation various personal objects are being ...
  • Sas-Bieniarz, Anna; Marczewska, Barbara; Bilski, Paweł; Gieszczyk, Wojciech; Klosowski, Mariusz (Radiation Measurements, 2020)
    Lithium magnesium phosphate (LiMgPO4, called LMP) crystals doped with different concentration of Tb, B and Tm were tested in regard to their radioluminescence emitted during irradiation. LMP crystals were grown with a ...
  • Bottoni, S; Gamba, E. R.; De Gregorio, G.; Gargano, A.; Leoni, S.; Fornal, B.; Brancadori, N.; Ciconali, G.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N.; Iskra, Ł. W.; Colombi, G.; Kim, Y. H.; Köster, U.; Michelagnoli, C.; Dunkel, F.; Esmaylzadeh, A.; Gerhard, L.; Jolie, J.; Knafla, L.; Ley, M.; Régis, J.-M.; Schomaker, K.; Sferrazza, M. (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2023)
    The lifetime of the 11/2+ 1 state in the 131Sb nucleus was measured at the LOHENGRIN spectrometer of the Institut Laue-Langevin via neutron-induced fission of 235U using γ -ray fast-timing techniques. The obtained value ...
  • Maniadaki, Aristea E.; Łodziana, Zbigniew (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018-10-02)
    Solid state closo-borane salts of alkali metals have very high ionic conductivity. This makes them interesting for practical applications as solid state electrolytes, and has triggered extensive research efforts. Improvement ...
  • Wochnik, Agnieszka; Swakoń, Jan; Olko, Paweł (Acta Physica Polonica B, 2019)
    In this article, Water Equivalent Ratio (WER) of three selected materials: Polylactic Acid (PLA), Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene (ABS) and Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG) - commonly used in additive manufacturing ...